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This report clarifies the global status of planning for large-scale hydrogen infrastructures and summarizesthe potential impact of those infrastructures on business operators by reviewing advanced case studies. Most large-scale hydrogen infrastructure projects are concentrated in Europe and are expected to become operational by 2030. Reasons for the concentration of projects in Europe include a set of policies designed to expand […]

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Hydrogen and ammonia, used in internal combustion engines or fuel cells, are expected to be important in the necessary fuel transition towards 2050, even though there are challenges related to technology readiness, fuel availability, and cost. This paper outlines how DNV can assist shipowners in obtaining approval for ammonia – and hydrogen – fuelled ships in today’s immature regulatory landscape. […]

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Indonesia possesses vast renewable energy resources, including solar, wind, and hydro, yet their utilization remains significantly underdeveloped. This presentation looks at the opportunities for developing green hydrogen in Indonesia.

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This report concerns the public consultation of ENTSOG’s draft Hydrogen Infrastructure Gaps Identification (H2IGI) Report for TYNDP 2024. Feedback was requested from stakeholders during a consultation period between 18 December 2024 and 22 January 2025 via an online form. This consultation report details the received inputs from stakeholders as well as a statement by ENTSOG on how this input was […]

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Hydrogen, currently presented as the main solution to decarbonising steel, is facing bottlenecks and delays. Policies are strongly needed to accelerate technology deployment, enable the coordination of actors and share the costs fairly. Hydrogen, currently presented as the main solution, is facing bottlenecks and delays. Firstly, the iron ore used in blast furnaces is of too low quality for the […]

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This analysis considers the feasibility of serving existing and new sub-segments of hydrogen demand with clean hydrogen by 2030 in the EU, East Asia, and the US. These regions were selected due to the prominence and the early momentum of clean hydrogen policy initiatives and infrastructure development effective as of January 1, 2025. Based on the potential total demand for […]

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The MENA region is experiencing a growth of renewable energy investments in the last decade, in particular due to autonomous competitiveness of solar and wind technologies. Competitiveness of clean hydrogen and derivatives will be expected… Contrary to renewable based power, clean hydrogen and derivatives are, unfortunately, not (yet) able to compete with fossil energy (oil, natural gas or coal). Competitiveness […]

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The purpose of the European Hydrogen Index is to analyse the state of play of the hydrogen sector in Europe. It proposes a comprehensive framework to assess the maturity of the European hydrogen industry and provides priority actions to implement in 2025. The analysis focuses on low-carbon hydrogen, although the quantitative analyses are centered on renewable hydrogen. Renewable hydrogen is […]

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This document describes how certain alternative-energy aircraft might operate at aerodromes, including refueling/recharging, taxiing, catering, boarding/disembarking, and abnormal operations. After 2 years of work, today International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airbus, (member of ICCAIA – International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations), ACI World – Airports Council International and 32 other organizations released the concept of operations for battery and […]

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