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Global Hydrogen Hub..

Is an online platform aggregating analysis and information on global and regional hydrogen market developments.

Our website is updated with new content (at least 3 new PDF reports) each week. Premium Members are notified by email and have access to these new reports as well as the reports (studies, presentations, white papers, reports) in our online library.

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With over 200 Hydrogen reports already online and new content added each week, Global Hydrogen Hub is an invaluable time saving resource for you and your research team.

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Our users include market analysts and strategic planners at oil and gas firms, utilities, banks, advisors, regulators and market consultants.


Global Hydrogen Hub is totally independent with no affiliation to industry groups, funding, sponsorship or endorsement of any kind. Revenue comes from our subscriptions.

Our other Hubs include : Global LNG Hub, European Gas Hub, The Coal Hub, Global Maritime Hub

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